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Competitor's Rules

Competitor Call-Ins:

Bull Riding please call in at 978-201-4552 

Barrel Racing please register via Saddlebook

Barrel Racing Call Outs: 774-526-8713

Mini Broncs please call in at


New England Rodeo (NER) Bull Riding Rules and Contestant Information

 As of April 17th, 2024


  1. The Professional Bull Riders, Junior Professional and Junior Amateur divisions are limited to male contestants, unless otherwise specified. The mini bronc division may be open to female contestants in the event that the division does not fill.

  2. The Jr. Bull Riders division is limited to children ages 16 and younger as of January 1st of the current year. A birth certificate may be requested to provide proof of age, if in question.

  3. The Mini broncs is limited to children ages 10 and younger as of January 1st of the current year. A child may be disqualified from riding if their weight would cause stress to the animal. 

  4. The Professional Bull Riders division is open to contestants 18 years old or older

  5. Entries for the Professional and Junior divisions occur on the Tuesday before the show 7:00pm. Entries are taken on a first come, first serve basis. Call in to 978-201-4552. Text messages, voicemail and/or private messages are not accepted. Call ins are accepted in both English and Portuguese. 

  6. Entries for the mini bronc division occur on the Monday before the show at 7:00pm. Entries are taken based on riding experience. Text in to 774-526-8713. 

  7. Contestants can only call in themselves except for Junior or Mini contestants. A Pro contestant may call themselves and jr. contestant and/or a mini contestant at the same time. 

  8. All contestants have until Thursday before the show at 7pm to un-register. If a contestant calls out after 7pm on Thursday, they will be assessed with a $50 fine in cash. This fine must be paid in advance of being allowed to call in for another show. Contestants will be suspended from the year-end award program if there are any unpaid fines. 

  9. NER has the right to refuse a potential contestant entry; based upon unappropriated behavior, disrespect of cattle, or poor sportsmanship displayed at pervious NER shows or inappropriate messaging, communications, and use of social media. As a contestant, you are a representative of NER and required to act in such a fashion. 

  10. The Mini division is limited to 2-5 contestant, depending on the stock availability.

  11. The Junior division is split into an Amateur and Professional Division based on pervious riding experience. The entire division is limited to 6-10 contestants, depending on the stock availability.

  12. The Professional division is limited to 10-12 contestants, depending on the stock availability.

  13. Contestants who compete in the most number of shows will be considered for the year-end awards program and a potential invitation to the NER Finals.

  14. Contestants must park their vehicles in the location designated by the parking attendant. 

  15. All contestants must check-in when the office is open. 

  16. The office is approximately opened from 5pm to 6pm at NER Ranch. No one will be added to the show after 6pm. If a contestant does not check in by 5pm, they will be considered a call out and are assessed the $50 fine, as mentioned above. Office hours may vary at travel rodeos. 

  17. Entry fees must be paid for in cash to allow for a cash payout. 

  18. Entry fee is $50 for the Professional division. 

  19. Entry fee is $30 for the Junior Amateur and Junior Professional division.  

  20. Entry fee is $10 for the Mini division.

  21. The Jr. Divisions will ride in the show which starts at 7:30pm.

  22. All contestants will receive a paperback or sticker number to be attached on their back. 

  23. Each contestant will receive a wrist band which grants them permission to enter the back of the rodeo. At the discretion of any NER Staff, the helper may be asked to remove their wristband and sit in the audience, if they are unruly or acting in unsafe behavior. 

  24. All contestants are required to wear western attire (i.e., boots, long jeans). Long sleeve shirts with collar, waist length and safety vest are required. Western hat or helmet. All contestants under 18 years old must wear a helmet. 

  25. All contestants are expected to sign a waiver or have their guardian sign a waiver prior to riding a bull. 

  26. All contestants must pay their entry fee, prior to competing. 

  27. Contestants must ride the bull chosen or be disqualified.

  28. Contestants must ride bulls for 8 seconds; time to start when animal’s shoulder breaks the plane of the chute for a qualified ride, unless length lowered for Junior or Mini divisions.

  29. If contestant makes a qualified ride with any part of the loose rope in his riding hand, provided he has not touched the ground or has not fouled the animal with his free hand; he is to be marked.

  30. Only 5 point “plain” or “notched” spur rowels (one rowel per shank) may be used during this event.

  31. Contestants may only use dry rosin on glove and rope.

  32. Re-rides are granted on the discretion of the Judge(s).

  33. A contestant may be disqualified for any of the following:

    • Being bucked off,

    • Touching a fence with a free hand,

    • Touching animal or rider with free hand,

    • Assisting self with free arm by touching animal,

    • Placing spurs in rope or bell strap before leaving the chute (Catching a knot), and/or

    • Cutting the animal with spurs. (1st Offense- $100 fine, 2nd Offense- $200 fine, 3rd Offense- Contestant banned for determined number of shows as Judge(s) discretion).

  34. Riding to be done with one hand and loose roper, with or without handholds. No knots or hitches to prevent rope from coming off of animal will be permitted. Ropes may have a bell. Bell must be placed on belly of the animal. 

  35. Only contestant and one other person may pull the contestant’s rope.  Judge(s) has the right to control excessive pulling by asking contestant to re-do rope. Contestants are only granted one additional attempt to tighten rope an appropriate tension, afterwards the contestant will be disqualified.

  36. All ropes must be wider than nine-sixteenth (9/16) of an inch. A rope handles is a maximum of 4 inches high. The rope must have felt. The judge(s) have the right to tell contestants to use a different rope if they believe the rope may injury the animal.

  37. Ropes cannot be used that have wires or other aids for the purposed of placing spurs. Judge will inspect spurs to ensure compliance with rules prior to the show. 

  38. Contestants are not allowed to converse with the Timekeeper, Judges and Announcer during the event.  

  39. Contestants must compete in the go-round in which they are entered and be ready when called upon to mount the animal.

  40. Contestant has 60 seconds from initial time on animal to secure rope and start ride. If contestant requires more than 60 seconds, they will be disqualified within reason. Considerations will be given to contestants on unruly animal. 

  41. Rules are subject to change. It’s the contestant’s responsibility to ensure they are in compliance with the must current set of rules. Rules will always be posted in the office. 

  42. Somewhere around the arena , there is a little kid that wants to be just like you someday. You owe it to them to be the best you can be.


New England Rodeo (NER) Barrel Racing Rules and Contestant Information

As of April 17th, 2024


  1. The Professional Barrel Racing, Youth, and Mini divisions are limited to female contestants, unless otherwise specified. 

  2. The Mini Assisted and Mini Barrel Racing division is limited to children ages 10 and younger as of January 1st of the current year. A birth certificate may be requested to provide proof of age, if in question. The Mini Assisted division is for riders on a lead-line. The Mini Division is for riders off a lead-line.

  3. The Youth Barrel Racing division is limited to children ages 16 and younger as of January 1st of the current year. A birth certificate may be requested to provide proof of age, if in question.

  4. The Professional Barrel Racing division is open to all ages.

  5. Entries for all contestants occur on the Monday before the show starting at 7pm via Saddlebook. The event will not appear until registration open. The event title is Bulls and Barrels with the month and day of the show. Limit spots are available on a first come, first serve basis. If divisions are filled, please check back for openings due to scratches. 

  6. All contestants have until Thursday before the show at 7pm to scratch at no charge. If a contestant scratches after 7pm on Thursday, they will be assessed a fee equivalent to the cost of the entry. This fee must be paid in advance of being allowed to sign up any additional shows. Fees must be paid in cash.

  7. After the Saddlebook entries close on Thursday after 7pm, please message Sarah Leach to be added to the waitlist if there are no openings. We will go down the waitlist to fill empty spots.

  8. NER has the right to refuse a potential contestant entry; based upon unappropriated behavior including: harassment, poor horsemanship, or poor sportsmanship displayed at pervious NER shows or inappropriate messaging, communications, and social media. As a contestant, you are a representative of NER and required to act in such a fashion. This is not limited to the contestant but the contestant’s guests and family members. 

  9. The Mini Assisted division is limited to 5 contestants. The Mini division is limited to 5 contestants. The Youth division is limited to 20 contestants. The Professional division is limited to 20 contestants.

  10. Contestants must ride in 8 shows to be considered for the year-end awards program and a potential invitation to the NER Finals.

  11. Youth and Pro contestants wanting to be a part of the year-end award program must be in good standings with NER, and bring in a sponsorship of $100 (cash not goods or services) by July 1st. Mini and Mini Assisted contestants wanting to be a part of the part of the year-end award program must be in good standings with NER, and bring in a sponsor of $50 (cash not goods or services) by July 1st.

  12. Contestants can only enter one horse per show. Horses may be shared from the Mini to the Mini Assisted division to the Youth division to the Professional division. The same horse cannot be ridden twice in the same division. 

  13. Contestants must park their trailer in the location designated by the parking attendant. Contestants found to be sneaking in guests will be disqualified or asked to leave. 

  14. All contestants must check-in when the office is open. 

  15. The office is opened from 5:30pm to 6:30pm at NER Ranch. Contestants are considered checked-in after they have both signed the waiver and paid their entry fee. If a contestant does not check in by 6:30pm, they will be considered a call out and are assessed a fine equivalent to their entry fee. Office hours may vary at travel rodeos. 

  16. Entry fees must be paid for in cash to allow for a cash payout. 

  17. Entry fee is $50 for the Professional division. Entry fee is $40 for the Youth division. Entry fee is $10 for the Mini and the mini assisted division.

  18. The Youth division will start approximately at 7:30pm. The Professional division will start approximately at 8:30pm.

  19. Each contestant will receive a wrist band which grants them permission to enter the back of the rodeo. 

  20. Each contestant will also receive one free entry for a guest. Contestants can purchase one additional wristband at $20. Contestants are responsible for their guest. 

  21. All contestants are required to wear western attire (i.e., boots, long jeans). Long sleeve shirts with collar, waist length or M Sport 6 shirts are required. Western hat or helmet. All contestants under 18 years old must wear a helmet. Western attire must be worn during open arena, in addition to the show. 

  22. All contestants are expected to sign a waiver or have their guardian sign a waiver prior to mounting a horse. Contestants will be asked to leave open arena if they have not signed a waiver. 

  23. Open arena will be held from 6pm to 7pm at NER Ranch. Open arena may be delayed depending on the time to takes to load the chutes. Open arena hours may vary at travel rodeos. There are to be no barrels touched or set up during open arena. 

  24. The Professional Division will be split into two groups: 1st Group and 2nd Group. Contestants cannot swap groups. Other events may occur in between the two groups. The Mini assisted, Mini and Youth division will ride during prior to the start of the rodeo during NER’s Youth Rodeo.

  25. While contestants are in the holding area, if a contestant’s horse becomes too unruly and dangerous to surrounds contestants or self, by the discretion of the Judge/Announcer, the contestant may be disqualified.

  26. All contestants are verbally called for their run. If their name is called four times and they do not appear, they will have missed their turn and receive a no time.

  27. After a contestant’s name has been announced four times, they have 60 seconds to enter the arena. If the contestant requires more than 60 seconds to enter the arena, they will receive a no time.

  28. All contestants must run in the order of go. If a contestant runs out of order, they will receive a no time.

  29. All contestants must start their run from the mouth of the gate/alleyway and move in a forward direction. No circling in the arena.

  30. Barrels used must be 55-gallon metal drums. Barrels are set on the inside of each stake. 

  31. Ground will be worked before every 10 riders.  

  32. Contestants will not be penalized for touching a barrel to keep it standing.

  33. Should a rider fall while on pattern they receive a no time. If they fall after a time has been captured, their time will count.

  34. If a contestant’s tack breaks during their run, and they are unable to continue they will not be issued a re-ride.

  35. Contestant’s will be given re-ride due to a timer malfunction. The re-ride can occur immediately or at the end of the group. There will not be a fresh drag.

  36. If a contestant knocks a barrel, they will be assessed a 5 second penalty per knocked barrel. Barrels knocked over and flip back up by 180° will count as a knocked barrel. Barrels must remain the direction, they were originally placed. 

  37. Contestants are not allowed to converse with the Timekeeper and/or Judge/Announcer during the barrel racing event except to scratch from the show. 

  38. Contestants will be disqualified if they go off pattern. Professional contestants must immediately leave the arena after going off pattern. Mini Assisted, Mini, and Youth contestants are allowed to re-try the pattern one time immediately. This re-try will be considered a no time.

  39. No one on horseback, besides, the contestant is allowed in the arena during a contestants run. 

  40. Contestants and guests are not allowed in the announcer’s booth during the show except to scratch from the event, unless cleared by the announcer/judge. Only the NER employees are welcome in the booth.

  41. Shows may be canceled at the owner’s discretion due to weather or unsafe ground conditions. 

  42. Rules are subject to change. It’s the contestant’s responsibility to ensure they are in compliance with the must current set of rules. 

  43. Somewhere around the arena, there is a little kid that wants to be just like you someday. You owe it to them to be the best you can be.



Contestants confirm that all pictures and videos taken on the New England Rodeo property, by New England Rodeo employees or fans, can be used for the New England Rodeo website, social media pages and advertisements unless otherwise requested in writing.

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